Setup SSH Keys on Github
Git Bash is built using MinGW (Minimiliastic GNU for Windows), this provides UNIX like command-line experience on Windows.
Step 1: Open Git Bash and Run the first Command to see if there are any existing SSH keys, if there are use the existing keys move to step 2 else move to step 4.
Step 2: Then Create SSH key using RSA encryption 4906 bit by running the seconds command. Go with the default directory when asked where to save your ssh keys. You can optionally also create a pass phrase for imporved security, else leave it empty.
Step 3: Run the first command again to check whether keys are created or not.
Step 4: Use cat to view and copy it’s contents
Step 5: Got to Settings > SSH and GPG keys > Click on New SSH key button.
Step 6: Give it a descriptive name and apste the public SSH key you copied and click on Add SSH key button.
Step 7: You will be prompted to Enter your password again , Enter your password . After that SSH key will be successfully associated with your account
Note: When You Clone a repository if URL is like this :-> It is SSH :-> It is HTTPS
SSH key based authentication in Github provides improved security , ease of automation and more control over access (like limiting it to specifc repositories).
Always check official documentation for in depth understanding.