JavaScript Testing Part- 2In this I will be testing a REST API that I have created , the GitHub link for that is SIDD58. You can clone the repository and follow…Feb 28Feb 28
Java script Testing Part-1Step-1: Create a New Folder and run npm init to create package.jsonFeb 28Feb 28
Setup SSH Keys on GithubGit Bash is built using MinGW (Minimiliastic GNU for Windows), this provides UNIX like command-line experience on Windows.Feb 5Feb 5
Setting up Google OAuth Consent Screen for DevelopStep 1: Go to google cloud console and create a new projectFeb 4Feb 4
Live Mask Detection using Convolutional Neural NetworkPuneet, Tanishq Chamola, Siddharth SamberMar 18, 2021Mar 18, 2021